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  • Khalid Hamid (Executive Director/Department of Professional Services State Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates) – SAIs are committed to promoting global sustainable development




  • The role of the Federal Court of Accounts in the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals- Marcelo Barros




  • Nanjing Audit University (NAU) grants the title honoris causa to minister Aroldo Cedraz
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • The 2030 Agenda in TCU
  • TCU: actions geared to compliance with the PNE (National Education Plan) and SDG 4


  • Methodology for oversight of digital inclusion programs with a focus on the independent evaluation of their results- Marcelo Barros da Cunha, André Guilhon Henriques, Paulo Sisnando Rodrigues de Araújo and Ricardo Araújo Malachias
  • Sustainable development goals: audit findings framework - Paula Hebling Dutra
  • Ecotourism and Sustainable Development- Paulo Henrique Castro G. de Arruda and Saulo Maurício Silva Lobo
  • The applicability of the public sector service value chain theory in public high school institutions in the Pernambuco state - Gustavo Farina and James Anthony Falk
  • Public policies, privatization and development - Cristiano Aparecido Quinaia and Paulo Henrique de Souza Freitas
  • National development, bidding and oversight by the Courts of Accounts - Crislayne Moraes
  • Accountability and transparency in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil: contributions from the Federal Court of Accounts - Marcelo Barros Gomes, Leonardo Rodrigues Albernaz, Arlene Costa Nascimento and Felício Ribas Torres
  • Reflections on governance in public policy for promoting the rights of the person with disability - Sérgio Ricardo Costa Caribé