Tribunal de Contas da União
Asian Supreme Audit Institutions Explore the ClimateScanner
Teams from the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) participated in the fifth regional workshop training to use the ClimateScanner tool. The event took place in Jaipur, India, and brought together 28 auditors from 17 countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, the Philippines, Georgia, India, Indonesia, the Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Vietnam.
The technical training was organized by the TCU, in partnership with the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA INTOSAI), ASOSAI, as well as the Indian Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and the International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED).
The UNDP Regional Coordinator for Asia Pacific, Krib Sitathani; the Director of iCED, Mehul Grover; the Additional Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of SAI India, Sayantani Jafa; and the Senior Fellow and Director of the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Suruchi Bhadwal, were some of the participating experts.
Simulated exercises employing real or fictional national data enabled attendees to acquire a deep understanding of the functioning and purpose of the ClimateScanner. Based on three pillars – financing, governance, and public policies – the tool's main objective is to enable Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to quickly and efficiently assess government actions related to the climate crisis.
Upcoming Trainings
The international workshops with regional groups of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) ended on August 2nd in Pretoria, South Africa, for members of the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E) and the Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (OISC-CPLP).
From September 30 to October 4, the final call for SAIs to learn about the ClimateScanner will take place in Rio de Janeiro. Priority in training will be given to Supreme Audit Institutions that could not participate in the regional meetings.
The ClimateScanner project is supported by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The initiative's results will be presented during COP29, which will be held in November in Azerbaijan.