Tribunal de Contas da União
Brazil launches global auditing platform to assess actions related to climate change
The platform ClimateScanner, which will enable a global audit of governmental actions related to confronting the climate crisis, was officially launched this on November 10th, during the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI), in Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), which chairs the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and is part of the Environmental Audit Working Group of the organization, leads the development of the tool.
We have a unique moment in which Brazil shows its willingness to reassume a leading role in the environmental agenda, and the supreme audit institutions that make up INTOSAI have sufficient experience and determination to audit the information provided by the governments. Thus, with the credibility and technical capacity they have, they can present a platform in which these indicators can be analyzed within a globally accepted metric, said the TCU president Bruno Dantas.
ClimateScanner will be developed in collaboration with international experts and will allow the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) from all over the world to assess governmental actions related to climate change. This assessment will be structured in two levels – national and international – and in three axes: governance, financing and public policies. The platform will be structured over the course of 2023 and will be ready for use in 2024.
INTOSAI created the tool in response to the challenge of approaching the issue of climate change at a global scale. The organization, which today brings together more member countries than the UN, has a significant international role: it supports the SAI in improving the control of public expenditure in its countries, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of people around the world.
According to minister Augusto Nardes, this is the opportunity to lead a global project. We are proposing a joint project and we believe that it is possible to expand this universe to the group of countries that make up INTOSAI. So far, 40 SAIs have already promised to cooperate with the project.
Watch the video that presents the tool.
The meeting was attended by Vivi Niemenmaa, of the Environmental Audit Working Group of INTOSAI (WGEA), Barbara Brakarz, of the Inter-American Development Bank, Sami Yläoutinen, of SAI Finland, Robert Saum, of the World Bank, and Fernando Andrade, of the United Nations Development Program.
To find out more about ClimateScanner, go to: