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Tribunal de Contas da União

Supreme audit institutions discuss final adjustments to ClimateScanner

The president of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU - Brazil) and chair of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Minister Bruno Dantas, kicked off the second ClimateScanner technical meeting
Por Secom TCU

The ClimateScanner Second Technical Workshop: Final Adjustments was held from September 25 to 29 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, with the presence of representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) that work on the development of the tool.

Throughout the event, the group discussed the project’s final adjustments and the overall implementation strategy, including capacity-building activities and communication actions. Participants will analyze the results of tests with the pilot version of the tool, which began last month, and evaluate opportunities for improving the platform.

In his opening remarks, Minister Bruno Dantas spoke about the climate change challenges and the importance of acting quickly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to changes. "The ClimateScanner project represents a significant step forward in our collective journey towards a more sustainable future. It is a truly global initiative,” he said.

Dantas stressed the role of SAIs in the governance and oversight of public policies, highlighting how they can help assess the implementation of global environmental commitments. "Using their expertise, SAIs can identify gaps in implementation within their countries, informing critical aspects such as the availability and consistency of data and the effectiveness of policies adopted by governments to meet international obligations. ClimateScanner reinforces INTOSAI's commitment to addressing climate change", the president noted.

At the head of INTOSAI, the TCU leads the initiative. The project involved the collaboration of an Executive Group made up of 18 SAIs, in addition to the support of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the World Bank.

The platform will be unveiled at COP28 in November, also in Abu Dhabi. The Conference of the Parties is the annual meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The implementation of ClimateScanner is expected to begin in 2024.

"ClimateScanner will provide an opportunity for all citizens of the world to understand how their governments are dealing with this crucial issue and will enable the exchange of best practices to overcome challenges that are often common among countries", Dantas said.


The ClimateScanner tool is under development and will allow Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to assess and monitor the actions of governments to address the climate crisis. This project is a global initiative that will collect, consolidate, and publicize data on government actions related to climate change. The work is divided into three axes: governance, financing, and public policies related to climate.

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