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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU and the World Bank hold event that marks the beginning of technical cooperation on climate change

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) took part in the World Bank webinar "Climate Change Accountability & Oversight", which was held virtually on Thursday (March 2)
Por Secom TCU

One of the main topics of discussion was the role of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) with regard to climate change. The webinar marks the start of the collaboration between the TCU and the World Bank within the ClimateScanner project, a priority initiative of the INTOSAI presidency, which is currently held by SAI Brazil. Capturarccccc.JPG

In the meeting, Hugo Freire, head of the Audit Department for Agriculture, Environment, and Economic Development (AudAgroAmbiental) welcomed the participants, followed by the auditor Dashiell Velasque, who presented the ClimateScanner tool. The project is being developed by AudAgroAmbiental and by the Audit Department for Electric and Nuclear Power (AudElétrica), within the General Secretariat of External Control (Segecex), with the support of several other TCU departments. 

Among the participants of the webinar are the directors of the World Bank, Bob Saum and Arturo Herrera; the Canadian senator, Rosa Galvez; the director of Deloitte & Touche LLP, Chris Robinson, and the representative of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), Vivi Niemenmaa




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