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Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU)

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"The I consider it a stimulating challenge to integrate the Public Prosecution Office at the Court of Audit (MPTCU). This Office acts under TCU, in particular in the position of its Attorney General, due to the complexity and relevance of its institutional mission, which is primarily to improve federal public administration. This is done through permanent combat to the noncompliance with constitutional and legal norms of a financial and budgetary nature, inefficiency or low efficiency of state action and acts of impropriety and administrative corruption.”


In summary, the MPTCU exists in order to meet the legitimate aspirations of Brazilian society for efficient and democratic public management carried out with probity.”


Deputy Prosecutor General Paulo Bugarin 


Address: SAFS Qd 4 Lote 1 - Ed. Sede - 1º andar - Sala 101

City: Brasília

State: DF  

Postal Code: 70042-900 

Phone: +55 61 3527  7616 / 7128 / 7877 / 7129 (Fax)

Chief of Staff: Carlos Renato Ravazio Lauxen - +55 61 3527-7133  

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