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Navigating Global Trends

The INTOSAI Global Trends Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the major global developments likely to impact Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) over the next 15 years (2025-2040). It identifies seven key trends, including erosion of trust in institutions, economic challenges, digital transformation, climate change, demographic shifts, global migration, and rising inequalities. This forward-looking study aims to equip SAIs with the insights needed to anticipate and adapt to emerging challenges, fostering resilience and promoting good governance.

By leveraging strategic foresight methodologies, the report not only highlights potential risks but also identifies opportunities for SAIs to enhance their capacity to contribute to sustainable public governance. It emphasizes international collaboration and the exchange of best practices as critical elements for strengthening foresight capabilities and improving audit quality worldwide.

The report serves as a foundational tool for INTOSAI's strategic planning, guiding SAIs in addressing complex issues across national borders. It underscores the value of proactive actions and evidence-based audits, empowering decision-makers to build more accountable, transparent, and efficient governance systems in an ever-evolving global landscape.