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Tribunal de Contas da União

In order to improve health management and public procurement of medicines, TCU distributes 5.500 booklets to municipal secretaries

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) distributed 5.500 booklets with guidelines on health governance and health management and on public procurement of medicines to municipal health secretaries during the National Congress of Municipal Health Secretariats in Brazil. The purpose of the action was to help municipalities and managers improve their performance related to evaluation, planning, guidance, monitoring, execution, and control, as well as clarifying doubts about the public procurement of medicines, which is included in the National Policy on Pharmaceutical Assistance.
Por Secom TCU

The booklet Guidelines for Public Procurement of Medicines provides a compilation of Court rulings on topics such as bidding modalities, price research, technical eligibility criteria used specifically for medicines, and invoice traceability.

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Guidelines for Public Procurement of Medicines


The Health Governance and Management Guide, in turn, discloses the main results of the national health governance and management survey, carried out in 2015 and 2016 by the Federal Court of Accounts, in partnership with several state-level courts of accounts.

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Health Governance and Management Guide

“The law on how medicines are to be bid exists, but not all municipalities are able to conduct this process properly. The booklet discusses precisely the question of the conformity of acquisitions. It helps the manager to prevent routinely occurring mistakes with which TCU deals. In addition, if these procedures are not followed properly, the cost ends up being very high and the result delivered to society, low”, explains the head of the Department of External Control - Public Health (SecexSaúde).

Organized by the National Council of Municipal Health Secretariats (Conasems), the 35th National Congress of Municipal Health Secretariats was held in Brasilia (DF), from July 2 to 5. The event brought together municipal health secretariats from all over Brazil and was attended by public policy specialists and representatives from the municipal, state, and federal spheres. In addition to the distribution of the two booklets, TCU participated in the seminar “Governance, integrated regional planning and health care network”.







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