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Tribunal de Contas da União

Minister José Mucio takes office as President of the TCU

Minister José Mucio Monteiro took office as president of the Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU), for the biennium 2019-2020, this morning (November 11), in the Headquarters of the Court, in Brasília.
Por Secom TCU

The Vice-President, Minister Ana Arraes, was also sworn in. She will hold concomitantly the position of Internal Affairs Officer of the Court.

According to the TCU bylaws, the president's term of office is one year, with the possibility of reelection for another term.

The event was attended by many Brazilian officials, diplomats, family members of the ministers and TCU employees. The official TCU YouTube channel broadcast the ceremony live.

The photos of the solemnity are available on the official TCU profile on Flickr.





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