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Tribunal de Contas da União

Seinc Auditor Shares TCU's Initiatives at OCDE Auditors Alliance Forum

Por Secom TCU


Auditor Fellipe Calvet, from the Department of External Control for Strategic Information and Innovation (Seinc), took part in the annual meeting of the Auditors Alliance, in Paris, France, between March 25 and 27. Fellipe represented the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) as one of the speakers. The event was also attended by Minister Antônio Anastasia and Deputy Minister Weder de Oliveira.

While still in Paris, Fellipe also attended the Integrity Week and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum.

Participation in the events provided an opportunity to exchange experiences related to integrity and the fight against corruption. The aim was to uncover the latest practices in these fields, paving the way for future partnerships among the participating countries.

Auditors Alliance 

During the Auditors Alliance, Calvet presented a panel on good practices for auditing response and recovery funds, such as those implemented after the Covid-19 crisis. Representatives from the OECD's Anti-Corruption and Integrity in Government Division, the UK's National Audit Office, and the US Government Accountability Office also participated in the debate.

The importance of dealing with risks without delaying the distribution of funds was one of the highlighted topics. The auditor identified risk- and data analysis-based auditing as one of the solutions that can be applied. In this context, the TCU works with advanced data analysis and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the effectiveness of its auditing and follow-up procedures, combining innovative tools and continuous auditing methodologies.

Collaboration with other entities was also highlighted. In his speech, the auditor stressed the crucial collaboration with other entities and the need for internal and external control to work together to guarantee the integrity of organizations and their transactions. The practice is adopted by the Court to share developed systems and seek out best practices that can improve methodologies aimed at tackling fraud and corruption cases in the public sector. 

OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum  

The Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) discussed topics such as the launch of the "OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity" document, the sharing of insights for using the Public Integrity Indicators and the outlook for improving and adapting the Anti-Bribery Convention for the Organization's Global Integrity.   

Fellipe Calvet also contributed as one of the panelists at the meeting "Fostering integrity and strengthening the fight against corruption in the Latin American and Caribbean region". He pointed out that TCU has several initiatives to improve the integrity of public institutions. Among them is the development of an integrity risk assessment panel for public entities, which incorporates various indicators that the Court has developed on the subject.


Calvet also highlighted the National Program for Corruption Prevention (PNPC), which offers a series of tools for public organizations to assess their integrity and provides guidance on implementing best practices for preventing and fighting corruption. 

In conclusion, three issues were emphasized: the need to increase partnerships with other entities responsible for guaranteeing integrity, the need to experiment and deepen the understanding of Artificial Intelligence use, especially its applications for auditing work, and the importance of developing Citizen Participation initiatives that effectively promote social control. 

Auditor Fellipe Calvet’s involvement in the events in Paris reinforces the TCU's commitment to integrity, transparency, and the fight against corruption. By collaborating with other entities and adopting advanced technologies, the Court demonstrates its continuous search for innovation and effectiveness in external control actions.  

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