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Tribunal de Contas da União

Tax measures taken by Brazil during the coronavirus crisis are aligned with other countries

The monitoring of the preparation and implementation of customs and tax measures adopted by the federal government, in response to the crisis caused by the coronavirus, showed that actions are aligned with those of other countries
Por Secom TCU

The Federal Court of Accounts – Brazil (TCU) monitored the preparation and implementation of customs and tax measures adopted by the Brazilian federal government in response to the crisis triggered by the new coronavirus.

The work is part of the Special Monitoring Plan of Actions to Combat Covid-19 and Coopera - Action Program in Confronting the Covid-19 Crisis. Both programs are within the scope of the TCU, covering many guidance, partnership, and dialogue actions. 

The mapping of the main measures adopted by Brazil concerning tax and customs showed that they are generally in sync with those adopted in other countries. These measures include, for example, the identification of essential and non-essential activities, the understanding of critical vulnerabilities, the preparation of a contingency plan, the adoption of security and protection measures for workers and taxpayers, and the intensification of home office.

The impacts on the measures adopted for federal tax collection were also evaluated. According to projections of the Ministry of Economy, an impact on various federal taxes revenue is estimated at US $ 19.9 billion, with a fiscal impact of US $ 78.8 billion.

According to Minister Bruno Dantas, rapporteur of the case, "those numbers are very significant, since the country, even before the pandemic, already faced fiscal deficits of considerable amounts, which should be increased this year, with a possible impact on maintaining the state activity ”.

The monitoring also showed the relative risks of the impact caused by tax revenue measures. It is possible, for example, that part of the deferred tax payments, which are expected for the current year, will only be received in the year of 2021 or won’t even occur. This may happen due to the expected reduction in the economic activity and, consequently, in the ability to pay taxes.

In conclusion, the TCU also verified that there is a risk that public revenue will be affected  in an amount that may not be adequately quantified due to the unprecedented nature of the situation. The Court of Accounts will, therefore, monitor the performance of the economic activity and other measures to be adopted by the federal government.






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