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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU and UNDP partnership strengthens global impact

Por Secom TCU

Upon assuming the chairmanship of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) committed itself to acting globally and effectively, facing contemporary challenges head-on. Led by the Department of International Relations (SERINT), the upcoming partnership agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)will propel the Court to reach unprecedent levels of performance, elevating its status as a prominent international player. 

The cooperation with UNDP represents a crucial element in fulfilling this commitment. It provides a significant boost to the effectiveness and quality of TCU's actions, while simultaneously contributing to the overall value of knowledge and good practices.  

The project, conceived to develop important subsidies to research, tools and innovative methodologies, for example, focuses on improving the TCU's performance in promoting sustainable human development, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. The strategic partnership with UNDP holds the promise of being instrumental in the successful attainment of the outlined goals. 

The cooperation program covers a number of key areas, such as promoting gender and racial equity, consolidating sustainable actions, including the use of the ClimateScanner tool, developing methodologies for infrastructure oversight, among others. 

The UNDP global expertise and its extensive engagement in similar projects will be key tools in achieving the expected results. In addition to quality, the partnership will guarantee the international visibility of the actions developed by TCU. This project will boost the Court's performance and contribute to the global exchange of knowledge and good practices, aligning with the commitment made by the TCU when assuming the chairmanship of INTOSAI. 

The partnership between TCU and UNDP resulted in the approval of the Project Document BRA/23/022 (Prodoc). The initiative was endorsed by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE) for the project entitled "Strengthening and internationalizing TCU to promote sustainable human development". It is expected the contract to be signed later this year and the actions to begin in January 2024. 

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