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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU points out inconsistencies between federal public administration databases

TCU finds evidence of more than 41 million inconsistent records in federal government databases
Por Secom TCU

Inspired by the UK action called National Fraud Initiative (NFI), which seeks to identify irregularities through data cross checking, the Federal Court of Accounts – Brazil (TCU) has initiated a survey-type audit to assess the integrated use of information in public policy management through joint analysis of data from the Federal Public Administration (APF). This audit was selected as one of the Court's relevant works and aims to contribute to mitigating two problem situations established by the TCU as a priority: the low quality of public spending and the lack of integration of public policies. The public presentation of this oversight action was called “D-Day”.

As a result of this action, a significant amount of inconsistencies were found between separate government databases causing loss to the Treasury.

Cross checking data made it possible, for example, to identify individuals registered as dead in the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service database without the corresponding record in the Electronic Control System for Deceased Persons (Sisobi). They also found employees whose date of admission in the Employee and Unemployed General Register (Caged) was after  the date of death recorded in the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service register. Another case was that of companies whose date of incorporation in the National Business Register (CNE) was different from their opening date in the Federal Revenue register.

During the meeting to present the findings, some actions to be taken by the present managers to better qualify the databases were discussed. Organizations were also asked to propose new behaviors that could be assessed by the TCU in the next D-Day audit cycle, scheduled for 2020. The measures taken by each organization will be monitored by the Court.

TCU aponta inconsistencias entre bases de dados da administracao publica federal-ing.png





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