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Tribunal de Contas da União

The Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU) is also engaged in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

In the search for contributing to the fight against the common exponential growth of the virus in countries that have been infected by the disastrous coronavirus, the Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU) adopts temporary measures, such as implementing home office for most of its public servants.
Por Secom TCU

It is known that not all types of jobs can be executed by distance, but those who can remotely do their work already represent a considerable number of people who will not be vulnerable to the virus.

TCU has made available technology programs that allow efficient work, reaching  pre-established goals by the managers. In this way, it is possible to have virtual meetings, to have many auditors working in the same document at the same time, etc.

Plenary sessions, which have been normally held during this week, will be replaced by virtual plenary sessions. Ministers will meet online by means of specific applications designed for this purpose.

TCU’s Medical Care has been equipped in order to support the servants that are physically present at the institution and that might need orientation and medical services.

With these measures, we hope to guarantee good work conditions, public well-being, and efficient results.






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