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Tribunal de Contas da União

The PNPC is presented to the OLACEFS anti-corruption technical committee

Por Secom TCU

TCU’s representative in Mato Grosso do Sul (REP-MS) and auditor of the Audit Department for Transfers of Federal Resources (AudTransferências), Mário Junior Bertuol, presented a proposal to disseminate the National Program to Prevent Corruption (PNPC) to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The presentation was made to representatives of SAIs who are members of the Technical Commission for the Fight Against Transnational Corruption of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (CTCT/Olacefs) on November 16. 

The PNPC is a program established in 2020 by bodies of the Public Management Control Network. Led by TCU, it aims to promote the implementation of a set of integrity practices by Brazilian public entities, focusing on reducing the risk of exposure to fraud and corruption. These practices are based on the TCU Framework for Fighting Fraud and Corruption and are divided into five mechanisms: prevention, detection, investigation, correction, and monitoring

In his presentation, Bertuol addressed aspects related to the functioning of the PNPC and the e-Prevenção IT system, mentioning the proposal of possible action for the next year within the context of the CTCT, in order to disseminate the PNPC to SAIs of Latin America and the Caribbean as a strategy to improve the integrity of public sector organizations. Within the scope of the proposal, he highlighted the development of training tracks for SAI agents who are members of OLACEFS as the first measure to be implemented. 

The training sessions would be to convey the assessment methodology, involving the registration of organizational profiles, establishing purchasing power and regulation of organizations, use of the management system for administration and monitoring, data manipulation, approval of evidence, assessment of results for dissemination, monitoring action plans, and methods for periodic measurements to track progress. 

The proposal was welcomed by the presidency of CTCT/OLACEFS, which suggested that the workplan be presented by Seinc for consideration by the OLACEFS Assembly, which took place in November. 

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