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Tribunal de Contas da União

The TCU has confirmed Minister Bruno Dantas as its president

Minister Bruno Dantas, who since last July had been meeting the presidency's agenda, due to the retirement of Minister Ana Arraes, was elected unanimously by the TCU ministers to fill the president's seat. Minister Vital do Rêgo was elected vice-president and internal affairs officer of the Court.
Por Secom TCU

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Dantas will serve as TCU President in 2023, along with Vice President Minister Vital do Rêgo. The term of office for both positions begins on January 1, with the possibility of re-election for an equal period.

Following the election, Bruno Dantas thanked the ministers for their trust and highlighted the pride of belonging to the Court.

“I know that the challenges for the Federal Court of Accounts to fulfill all its competences with excellence are enormous. I also know the importance of the role of the presidency and the vice-presidency in this regard. Therefore, count on my personal commitment so that the Court can effectively contribute to improving public administration for the benefit of society, as it has been doing throughout the presidency of so many ministers who preceded me in this seat.”

The new president had his inauguration held on December 14, with the presence of many authorities, including the just elected president and the presidents of the other powers of the republic who showed their support to minister Dantas in his new mission.

Learn more about President Bruno Dantas and Minister Vital do Rêgo Filho

Minister Bruno Dantas is a post-doctoral fellow in Law, Doctor and master’s in Civil Procedural Law, professor in master's and doctoral programs, as well as author of books and scientific articles.

The jurist served in a commission instituted by the President of the Federal Senate in the preparation of the draft of the new Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, as well as the draft of the Commercial Code. He presided over the Commission of Jurists for the elaboration of proposals for the improvement of government management and the public administration control system.

Prior to joining the TCU as a minister in 2014, he served for ten years as a legislative consultant of the Federal Senate, where he excelled, and for four years he was a general consultant of the Federal Senate (2007/2011), being elected by his peers and appointed by the president of that institution.


Minister Vital do Rêgo Filho was born in Campina Grande, Paraíba. Son of the politician Vital do Rêgo and brother of the also politician Veneziano Vital do Rêgo.

The Minister has a degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Paraíba and in Law from the State University of Paraíba, where he also teaches.

He began his public life at a very young age, at 25 years old. His political career is marked by progressive escalation within the state. He was councilor in his hometown, state deputy and was elected federal deputy for one term, also for Paraíba. Finally, he served as senator of the Republic until he was appointed Minister of the TCU, in 2014.




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