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Survey of IT expenses in the Brazilian Federal Government and price reference in purchases of it goods and services


Levantamento (Fiscalização)

Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Sefti
Áreas temáticas:
Contratação de TI Tecnologia da Informação
Bens e serviços de informática Tecnologia da informação
Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão (1999-2016) SOF
Unidades técnicas:
Sefti Serint Secom

The summary of results of the survey carried out by TCU, in 2007, whose objective was to measure the total expenditures of the federal government agencies and to verify how the resources committed to Technology were applied. Presents the TCU’s main findings, determinations/recommendations and performed actions. (Sentence Number nº 371/2008 – TCU – Plenary, rapporteur Minister Guilherme Palmeira).