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Coordinated audit on social housing

coordinated audit on social housing.png

Auditoria (Fiscalização)

Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), Public Works Audit Working Group (GTOP), Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) - Brazil
Áreas temáticas:
Controle externo Programas Governamentais
Assentamento humano Programa de governo Inclusão social Habitação popular Habitação Desenvolvimento urbano Avaliação de programas de governo
Unidades técnicas:
SeinfraUrbana Serint

Presents the results of the coordinated audit on social housing policies and public works in nine Olacefs member countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay and Dominican Republic).  Observes if the participants are in line with all the aspects and recommendations put forward by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE/UN) in the document entitled Guidelines on Social Housing - Principles and Examples (2006).

Content consolidation: Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) - Brazil.

Published with the support of the German Cooperation (GIZ).