Get.IT : Governance evaluation techniques for information technology : a WGITA guide for Supreme Audit Institutions
Cartilhas, manuais e tutoriais
- Autor:
- International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Working Group of Information Technology (WGITA) , Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)
- Data:
- 22/04/16
- Áreas temáticas:
- Governança de TI Serviços Essenciais ao Estado Tecnologia da Informação
- Palavras-chave:
- Governança de TI Tecnologia da informação
- Clientela:
- Unidades técnicas:
- Sefti Serint Secom
A guide that shares with the wider INTOSAI community good IT audit practices, methods and tools regarding IT Governance which were successfully applied by the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) that participated on this project. The purpose of it is to encourage other SAI
members to take advantage of its content and freely select, apply, adjust to their national contexts and, finally, institutionalize the practices.