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Planning very high-speed railway for southeast and south regions of Brazil


Trabalhos acadêmicos

Alves, Fabio Tadeu
Áreas temáticas:
Ferrovias Desestatização e regulação Infraestrutura
Ferrovia Transporte ferroviário Infraestrutura de transporte

Structured to address four main objectives stated by the author as follows: Identify the forces driving VHSR and the barriers to the successful development of passenger rail transport through the capital cities of Brazilian Southeast and South region to solve transport capacity problems and to enhance the efficiency of the economy; Evaluate critically some of the models and frameworks relevant to supporting a "Transport Board" in coping with VHSR technology; Explore the Brazilian transport and socio-economic database and outline the practices related to design and management of VHSR, including inducement and barriers, and Formulate recommendations on "Transport Board" design issues.

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award fo MSc in Railway Systems Engineering and Integration.