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Report highlights: governance and IT management in 30 audits

governance and it management in 30 audits_web.png

Fiscalização Sistêmica (FISC)

Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Sefti
Áreas temáticas:
Riscos de TI Serviços Essenciais ao Estado Tecnologia da Informação Governança de TI
Governança de TI Tecnologia da informação
Unidades técnicas:
Sefti Serint Secom

Presents the results summary of a study based on survey and audits carried out by TCU whose main objective was to identify the advance in the assessment of the mechanisms of IT governance and management in Brazilian  Federal Public Administration (APF). Period studied: October 2014 to February 2015. 

Includes the main findings, the TCU deliberations and expected benefits registered in Sentence Number 3,051/2014 - TCU – Plenary, rapporteur Substitute Minister Weder de Oliveira.