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Revista do TCU nº 104 (April/June 2005), Special Issue, International Denationalization Conference - Federal Court of Accounts Journal



  • The control of regulation in Brazil -  Walton Alencar Rodrigues;
  • The role of the Intosai Privatisation Working Group and regulatory accountability in the UK - John Bourn;
  • Public-Private Partnership: challenges and opportunities - Paulo Bernardo Silva;
  • Regulation control in Argentina - Leandro Despouy;
  • TCU initiatives to perfect regulation external control - Paulo Roberto Wichers Martins, Mauricio de Albuquerque Wanderley, Marcelo Barros Gomes, Marcelo Bemerguy and Maridel Piloto de Noronha;
  • Infrastructure reforms and the performance of privatized utilities in Latin America: the way ahead - Luis Andres, Paulo Correa and Jose L. Guasch;
  • The normative framework of the Public-Private Partnerships in Brazil - Carlos Ari Sundfeld;
  • Supreme Audit Institutions in search of accountability and performance improvement in regulatory utility agencies - Marcelo Barros Gomes;
  • Internal rule no. 27, December 2nd, 1998 – Regulates the oversight of the denationalization processes by the Federal Court of Accounts;
  • Internal rule no. 43, July 3th 2002 – Establishes rures for the Federal Court of Accounts to monitor the cases of periodic tariff review regarding contracts of concession of electricity distribution services.;
  • Internal rule no. 46, August 25th, 2004 On the oversight carried out by the Federal Court of Accounts of the processes of concessions of federal roads, including roads or part of roads delegated by the Union to Federal States, Federal District, Municipalities or a consortium among them.