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  • Cezar Taurion (Partner and Head of Digital Transformation at Kick Ventures and VP of Innovation at the Smart City Business Institute) - Technological innovations in government auditing


  • The pillars of the data analysis strategy and consumption of information Management for the External Control (SGI) – Wesley Vaz Silva


  • New procedents search



  • Fundamentals of auditing in mixed reality - Aroldo Cedraz and Francisco Osório Ramos
  • TCU open data services platform: crowdsourcing, civic cloud and civic applications - Monique Louise Monteiro, Remis Balaniuk, Marcelo Pacote
  • The semantic retrieval of information in the context of external control - Márcia Martins de Araújo Altounian and Beatriz Pinheiro de Melo Gomes
  • Geotechnologies and monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals by Supreme Audit Institutions – Rherman Radicchi Teixeira Vieira, André Delgado de Souza, Leonardo Pereira Garcia, Erick Muzart Fonseca dos Santos
  • InfoSAS: a data mining system for production control of SUS [Brazilian public healthcare system] - Osvaldo Carvalho, Marcos Prates, Raquel Minardi, Wagner Meira Jr., Renato M. Assunção, José Nagib Cotrim Árabe
  • Audit App: an effective tool for government procurement assurance - Qiao Li, Jun Dai
  • Geographic data modeling to define alternative transport corridors to bypass the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte: comparative scenarios - José Irley Ferreira Júnior, Rodrigo Affonso de Albuquerque Nóbrega, Leise Kelli de Oliveira
  • The potential of remote sensing data in public works audit - Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Júnior, Renato Fontes Guimarães, Roberto Arnaldo Trancoso Gomes
  • Implementation of a geocatalogue to assist location and recovery of open geographic data - Drausio Gomes dos Santos, Alexandre Zaghetto
  • The purpose of data governance in external control organizations - Ricardo Dantas Stumpf
  • The georeferencing of public real estate in the Brazilian geodetic system for the purpose of incorporation into the multipurpose technical registry: building real estate regularization in municipalities - Davi Lopes Silva
  • The use of artificial intelligence techniques to support control activities - Luís André Dutra e Silva