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Tribunal de Contas da União

European Parliament seeks inspiration from TCU for leveraging Artificial Intelligence

Por Secom TCU

The European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee recently approached the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) expressing interest in exploring innovative practices in auditing and budgetary control, with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence (AI).   

Strategic collaboration between NIA and AudInovação   

During the videoconference, the European Parliament representative, Christine Stedtnitz, met with the coordinator of the TCU's Artificial Intelligence Center (NIA), Eric Hans, and with the deputy chief auditor of the Audit Department of Methods and Innovation for Control (AudInovação), Aloísio Dourado. The meeting aimed to comprehend how the TCU uses AI to improve government spending control and fight fraud and corruption.   

The partnership between the AI Center and AudInovação was emphasized, showing how the collaboration between the external audit and IT fields encourages digital evolution within the institution. An example is ChatTCU, an innovative tool that has been gradually improved to provide quick and precise answers, including from documents uploaded by the users themselves.   

During the demonstration of the solution, the European Parliament representative was impressed by ChatTCU's ability to provide well-founded answers, including the source from which the information was taken. It was highlighted that data security and reliability are both priorities, with the confidentiality of the information that flows through ChatTCU ensured by the contract with Microsoft. 

Commitment to innovation and transparency    

At the end of the meeting, the TCU reaffirmed its commitment to investing in the use of AI to improve government spending control, acknowledging that this technology is essential to facing the challenges of the digital world. The Court believes that with adequate training and risk management, artificial intelligence has the potential to deliver meaningful improvements not only to control activities but also to overall public administration.    

The TCU reasserts its commitment to seeking innovative solutions to support the auditor's work and to assure the efficiency and quality of their outcomes, to promote a more transparent, efficient, and accountable public management.   

The European Parliament's expressed interest enhances the TCU's international standing in the pursuit of innovative and effective solutions for government spending control and audit, thus contributing to promoting global transparency and integrity.  

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