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Tribunal de Contas da União

Minister Bruno Dantas Meets with the President of SAI Hungary

Por Secom TCU

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The President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and Chair oh the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Minister Bruno Dantas, met with the President of the State Audit Office of Hungary László Windisch, on April 19, in Budapest. During the meeting, they discussed the Eastern European country's participation in the ClimateScanner initiative and the increased collaboration between the TCU and the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Hungary

Dantas thanked Windisch for Hungary's support to the ClimateScanner Global Call, held at the UN headquarters, in New York, in March. On the occasion, 66 SAIs signed the joint declaration of intent for the implementation phase of the climate initiative, including the Hungarian State Audit Office. 

Minister Dantas took the opportunity to invite the country to participate in "The ClimateScanner EUROSAI" workshop to be held in Prague from July 3 to 7. This workshop is intended for staff of European SAIs that have joined the tool. 

"During Brazil's presidency of the INTOSAI, one of our top priorities is to amplify the voice of the organization and increase our relevance in the discussion of global challenges, as SAIs are perceived as technical and independent institutions", said Dantas.

The Minister reiterated that the TCU is open to bilateral cooperation on issues of interest to Hungary

Along with President László Windisch, the meeting was attended by the Vice President of the State Audit Office of Hungary, Csaba Szomolai, the Head of the International and Protocol department Andrea Kindl, and the Audit Director, Kornél Jakab.  

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