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Tribunal de Contas da União

SecexONU auditors undergo training for peacekeeping missions

Por Secom TCU

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The Ministry of Defense trained a team of auditors from the Department of External Control – United Nations (SecexONU) to work on peacekeeping missions. The training is part of a series of development actions planned for SecexONU auditors, who will start working at the UN Board of Auditors in July. 

The training "Peacekeeping Missions – Preparation for UN Audits" was held at TCU’s Capacity Building Institute on June 13 and 14. The auditors learned about the strategic and operational conception of peacekeeping missions, Brazil's participation in these efforts, relevant security aspects, and more details about the three UN missions to be audited by the TCU: UNIFIL, in Lebanon; UNFICYP, in Cyprus and UNMIK, in Kosovo. 

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The opening of the training was attended by TCU's Secretary-General of External Control, Ana Paula Sampaio; the Fleet Admiral and Head of Strategic Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, Arthur Fernando Bettega Corrêa; and the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defense, Luiz Henrique Pochyly da Costa

The training was organized by Brigadier General João Roberto Albim Gobert Damasceno and saw the participation of Rear Admiral Stewart da Paixão Gomes, Vice Admiral André Luiz de Andrade Felix, Brigadier General Ricardo Luiz da Cunha Rabelo, and other instructor officers. 

TCU at the UN 

Next month, Brazil will assume a position as a member of the UN Board of Auditors. As the Brazilian Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), the TCU is responsible for representing the country during the term. The Board members conduct external audits of the UN's finances, funds, programs, and peacekeeping missions, and make recommendations to improve governance and resource management. 

The training promoted by the Ministry of Defense was crucial in preparing the auditors for the important task of auditing the finances of the world's largest multilateral organization. 

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