Tribunal de Contas da União
SecexONU Conducts First Audit of Peacekeeping Missions in Kosovo
On July 24, the team from the Department of External Control for the United Nations (SecexONU) began auditing the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in Pristina. The audit consists of on-site evaluation of the peacekeeping mission’s administration in financial and management aspects (compliance and performance). The mandate of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) on the United Nations Board of Auditors officially began on July 1, with the seat being transferred from Chile to Brazil.
The opening meeting was conducted by the Deputy Secretary of SecexONU, Camila Dourado, the audit supervisor, Heitor Silveira Freitas, and the audit coordinator, Arlene Nascimento. The meeting included the participation of the entire audit team, consisting of auditors Ana Paula Smidt Nardelli, Guilherme Pereira Souto, Jean Carlo Correia Firmino, and Vitor Maciel, as well as the leaders of UNMIK and the heads of the divisions.
UN peacekeeping missions are deployed under the mandate of the Security Council to maintain global peace and security. Currently, there are 11 active UN peacekeeping missions, supported by 118 countries contributing 66,936 military personnel and 80 countries providing 7,729 police officers. These missions also involve 10,411 civilian staff and 1,290 volunteers.
The UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo was established in 1999