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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU celebrates 133 years as one of the pillars of external control in the country

Por Secom TCU

The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) celebrated on November 7th, the 133rd anniversary of its creation. On November 7, 1890, Rui Barbosa signed Decree 966-A, a regulation that established the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts. The process was finalized years later, in 1893, by Inocêncio Serzedello Corrêa, with the effective installation of the institution.

Rui Barbosa's decree laid the foundation for the creation of a "Court of Accounts to examine, review, and judge acts related to the Republic's revenue and expenditure", placing Brazil on the stage of modern states. Formal consolidation took place in 1891 with the promulgation of the first Republican Constitution on February 24 of that year.

In the six republican constitutions that succeeded, the competencies of the Court of Accounts changed significantly. The Court's responsibilities were reduced at certain moments, but the 1988 Citizen Constitution strengthened its role and improved its functioning.

Details of this history are available in the virtual catalog "TCU 130 years". Organized by the TCU Cultural Center, the material highlights the main events of the Court of Accounts from its creation to recent times. Click here to access the document.   

UN Board of Auditors

Last Friday (3/11), the Court began a new chapter in its history, being elected as the institution responsible for representing Brazil in the external audit work of the funds and programs of the United Nations (UN). As the country's representative on the UN Board of Auditors, the TCU will work to ensure the proper allocation of investments in vital global initiatives, such as the fight against poverty, inequality, climate crisis, wars, political instability, and obstacles to sustainable development. 

The Board of Auditors conducts external audits of the international organization's finances, funds, programs, and peacekeeping missions, in addition to making recommendations to improve governance and resource management. 

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