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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU presents the National Program for Corruption Prevention to Latin American and Caribbean Institutions

The training's goal is to enable OLACEFS audit institutions to implement the Brazilian model for corruption prevention in their countries
Por Secom TCU


The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) will begin the National Program for Corruption Prevention (PNPC) Training on October 21. This training program is intended for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) that are part of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS). The goal is to equip participants with the knowledge and necessary tools to implement the Brazilian model for preventing corruption and fraud in public organizations within their respective jurisdictions."

The training is part of the Court's efforts to strengthen cooperation among national and international public organizations. Registrations close on October 14, and interested parties should contact the area responsible for international relations with OLACEFS within their SAI.

“This training represents an important step in the fight against fraud and corruption. By sharing Brazil’s experience with the PNPC with Latin American and Caribbean countries, we allow these organizations to adapt the acquired knowledge to implement effective integrity tools and practices in their operations. Furthermore, the engagement and seriousness with which the Court handles these cooperation processes contribute to the institution’s positive image,” said Hamilton Caputo, Deputy Secretary of the Department of External Control for Strategic Information and Innovation at the TCU.

About the Program

The PNPC is executed by Brazil's Public Management Control Networks, with the coordination and sponsorship of the TCU, and supported by entities such as the Association of Members of the Brazilian Courts of Accounts (Atricon) and the National Council for Internal Control (Conaci).

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