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Tribunal de Contas da União

Bahrain hosts forum on professional standards

The meeting of the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) was held from May 8 to 12 in Manama, Bahrain, to discuss and prepare the Strategic Development Plan of the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP)
Por Secom TCU

The event was opened by the president of SAI Bahrain, Mr. Ahmed Al-Khalifa, and led by the president of the FIPP and deputy auditor general of Norway, Ms. Ase Hemsen. Minister Antônio Anastasia participated in the event and made a speech on the last day. Representing the INTOSAI chair, Minister Anastasia highlighted some of the current challenges, such as the implementation of a digital transformation of the IFPP and the need to consider the different stages of development of SAIs.

The goal of the meeting was to jointly debate, based on suggestions given by several SAIs and other bodies in a survey, the Strategic Plan for the Development of INTOSAI standards for 2023-2025. All members of the FIPP and some INTOSAI committees participated, including the Professional Standards Committee (PSC), of which the TCU is currently vice chair, and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) as chair. TCU and ECA were both represented in the meeting and could contribute in a concrete way to the development of the next steps towards improving the standards.

During the elaboration of the Strategic Development Plan, the following initiatives that will guide the work over the next few years were decided:

  • To improve the pronouncements’ accessibility, which includes digital transformation;
  • To develop a consistent terminology in all documents, including the concern with translation into different languages; and
  • Starting with the development of a single terminology and glossary, organize the content and presentation of the principles, standards, and guidelines that ensure greater consistency, coherence, and clarity in INTOSAI-Ps (INTOSAI Principles), ISSAIs (International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions), and GUIDs (Guidances), the three types of documents that together represent the IFPP (INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements).

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