Tribunal de Contas da União
ClimateScanner: project holds first technical meetings
The Executive Group is coordinated by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and the INTOSAI WGEA, which is composed of representatives from 17 SAIs from all continents: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Slovakia, Finland, India, Indonesia, Maldives, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and the European Court of Auditors. More than 50 professionals from these SAIs participated in the meetings.
The work schedule foresees the development of the first version of the tool by July, 2023. After that, pilot tests will be carried out by the SAIs of the Executive Group, and the necessary adjustments will be made before the end of the year. For 2024, SAIs around the world will apply the tool in their national contexts, and the results obtained will be consolidated and communicated in the form of a global overview of government actions to combat climate change.
ClimateScanner is an initiative of the INTOSAI Chair, held by the TCU, in partnership with the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing. The main objective of the initiative is to develop a methodology to allow Supreme Audit Institutions to promote a quick assessment of the implementation stage of the respective national governments' actions related to climate change. Consolidation of these assessments will also make it possible to obtain a broad view of the development of actions at the global level.
Internal work
The size and complexity of this project, which involves several actors outside the TCU, require internal governance to enable the development of the work.
Within the TCU, the technical development of the project is under the responsibility of the Audit Department for Agriculture, Environment, and Economic Development (AudAgroAmbiental) under the Department of External Control for Sustainable Development (SecexDesenvolvimento) and the Audit Department for Electric and Nuclear Power (AudElétrica) under the Department of External Control for Energy and Communications (SecexEnergia).
The project is also supported by several departments: General Secretariat of External Control (Segecex), General Secretariat of the Presidency (Segepres), Department of International Relations (Serint), Department of Communications (Secom), Office of Protocol and Institutional Relations (Aceri), Serzedello Corrêa Capacity Development Institute (ISC), Department of Information Technology and Digital Evolution (Setid), Department of Planning, Governance and Management (Seplan), Data Team/SecexDesenvolvimento.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also supports the project, through a cooperation agreement signed with the TCU.
More information about the project can be found on the ClimateScanner page.