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Tribunal de Contas da União

ClimateScanner team attends UNDP climate change training

TCU public servants and United Nations experts have discussed international commitments related to climate change. The initiative is part of the process of developing a tool to evaluate and monitor governments' responses to the climate crisis
Por Secom TCU

From August 2 to 4, the ClimateScanner development team attended a climate change training provided by representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). At the meeting, participants discussed documents and reports submitted by nations to the UN regarding their climate change commitments. The training highlights the collaboration between the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), as president of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), and UNDP in the ClimateScanner project. 

ClimateScanner is a tool under development that will allow supreme audit institutions (SAIs) to assess and monitor governments' responses to the climate crisis. The project is a global initiative that will collect, consolidate and publicize data on government actions related to climate change. The work is divided into three axes: governance, financing, and climate-related public policies. 

In July, the TCU brought together SAIs from several countries to present the first version of ClimateScanner. The meeting held in Foz do Iguaçu (PR) marked the approval of the tool's indicators, such as the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and stakeholder engagement. The global survey was also launched to identify capacity-building opportunities for ClimateScanner. 


Next steps 

Throughout 2023, the TCU will promote the pilot testing of ClimateScanner 1.0. The results of these tests will be discussed at a technical meeting scheduled for the end of September. On this occasion, participants will discuss possible adjustments to the methodology. At the same time, a global survey will be carried out by September to assess SAIs' experience and capacities in climate change audits. The results of this survey will identify challenges and opportunities for capacity building. 


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