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Tribunal de Contas da União

Ministers Benjamin Zymler and Walton Alencar participate in seminar in France

The "Joint OECD-IDI Seminars for SAI Leadership on Audit and Public Financial Management" took place on February 26 and 27. On this occasion, the ministers also held a bilateral meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, Yoshiki Takeuchi.
Por Secom TCU

Ministers Benjamin Zymler and Walton Alencar Rodrigues of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)  took part in the Joint OECD-IDI Seminars for SAI Leadership on Audit and Public Financial Management in Paris, France, on February 26 and 27. This seminar, organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Development Initiative (IDI/INTOSAI), featured lectures aimed at enhancing the capabilities of leaders in auditing and public finance management. 

During the event, relevant topics were discussed, such as the capacity development of performance auditors; innovative practices in performance auditing; digital transformation, and artificial intelligence in public finance management and auditing; and sustainability auditing and green budgeting. Additionally, speakers shared their experiences, initiatives, and challenges related to the planning and impacts of audit work. 

The event featured presentations by representatives from various Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), such as the Deputy Auditor General of Malta, Noel Camilleri; the Deputy Director of SAI Romania, Adrian Gogolan; the Counselor of SAI France, Jean-Christophe Potton; the Director of Audit of Ireland, Deirdre Quaid; the Judge of SAI Italy, Giulio Stolfi; the Director of SAI Slovak Republic, Jana Juriová; and the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, Matanyahu Englman. 

During the event, Ministers Benjamin Zymler and Walton Alencar Rodrigues also held a bilateral meeting with Yoshiki Takeuchi, the Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD. The meeting focused on various aspects related to Brazil's efforts to join the OECD. In 2021, Brazil initiated the formal process of accession to the OECD. Following the endorsement of the organization's values, vision, and priorities, its members approved the Roadmap for Brazil's Accession to the OECD Convention in June 2022. This roadmap establishes the terms, conditions, and procedures for Brazil's accession to the organization. 

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