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Tribunal de Contas da União

Ministers Vital do Rêgo and Weder de Oliveira Participate in ASOSAI Assembly in India

Por Secom TCU


The Vice President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Minister Vital do Rêgo, along with Substitute Minister Weder de Oliveira, are participating in the 16th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Assembly, held in New Delhi, India.

The meeting gathers representatives from 47 member countries to discuss topics such as digital public infrastructure and gender inequality.

On September 24, Minister Vital do Rêgo, representing the President of the TCU and Chair of INTOSAI, Minister Bruno Dantas, opened the plenary session. 

During his speech, Minister Vital highlighted the Court's dedication to reducing bureaucracy, the ongoing initiative to move away from legal jargon, and the effort to enhance transparency in accessing the decisions of the Court of Accounts.

The minister also presented key initiatives from the Brazilian government.

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