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Tribunal de Contas da União

SAI20 Summit Concludes as Leaders Consolidate Recommendations for G20 Countries

On the final day of the conference, audit institutions adopted the Communiqué, which formalizes the priority actions for addressing climate change, hunger, and poverty.
Por Secom TCU

The SAI20 Annual Summit, representing the G20's Supreme Audit Institutions, concluded on June 18 after two days of intensive technical discussions. Through the Communiqué, the official document of the meeting, the countries unified their recommendations for addressing climate crisis, hunger, and poverty. Brazil currently holds the presidency of the group.  

The President of the TCU and SAI20, Minister Bruno Dantas, emphasized the importance of the Communiqué in catalyzing global change.


"The SAI20 Communiqué is not simply a report. It is an important and powerful statement that reflects the expertise and commitment of Supreme Audit Institutions in fostering sustainable progress," said Dantas.

The SAI20 Communiqué, containing recommendations for G20 leaders, highlights the crucial role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in advancing transparency, responsible governance, and sustainable development.


   Check out a summary of the key recommendations of SAI20

 -Establish strategies that incorporate social, environmental, economic, and financial indicators.

 -Create environments and policies that encourage investments.

 -Ensure efficient allocation of resources to tackle global challenges.

 -Develop standards for measuring poverty in a multidimensional manner.

Communique capa.png

Click here to access the full version of the Communiqué 

Closing Ceremony

At the conclusion of the Summit, President Bruno Dantas highlighted the critical role of Supreme Audit Institutions in spearheading strategic initiatives on the global agenda.

“With our voices now fortified and united, we have attained a significant presence and greater responsibility in global dialogue, influencing policies and actions that will shape the future of our planet”, stated Dantas.

On the occasion, the President of SAI Egypt, and First Vice President of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Hesham Badawy, spoke about the collaborative potential between SAI20 and INTOSAI, highlighting shared objectives and mutual support between the groups.

Girish Chandra Murmu, head of SAI India, and Tsakani Maluleke, head of SAI South Africa, who along with Brazil make up the SAI20 Troika, shared their perspectives on the importance of cooperation and continuity within the SAI20 community.


Watch the entire SAI20 Summit in Brazil:

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