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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU and UNDP join forces to strengthen international cooperation actions

Por Secom TCU

The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) has taken a significant step towards expanding its global influence by forging international cooperation activities with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). A workshop held on January 30 at TCU’s Capacity Building Institute (ISC) laid the groundwork for a new partnership focused on strengthening global adherence to the ClimateScanner tool. ClimateScanner is a global initiative to assess government actions related to climate change, led by the TCU in its capacity as chair of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). 

During the event, the fundamental guidelines for executing the activities detailed in the Project Document (Prodoc) were set. This partnership is a result of an agreement signed between the TCU and UNDP Brazil last year. These actions represent a tangible advance in the implementation of the project's objectives to expand INTOSAI's Global Voice, under the leadership of TCU’s Department of International Relations (Serint). The project's kick-off was formally cemented in September 2023 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the TCU, INTOSAI, and UNDP in New York. 

The workshop was attended by representatives from TCU’s different sectors, highlighting the multifaceted collaboration and engagement of the TCU in this process. 

The partnership with UNDP also paves the way for the TCU to contribute more actively to global initiatives, such as the SAI20 - a group of engagement of Supreme Audit Institutions in the G20 -, consolidating and strengthening its presence and relevance on the global stage. This collaboration is expected to yield notable advances, aligned with the TCU's ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation. 

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