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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU Participates in OLACEFS Technical Meeting

The objective is to Discuss and Improve the Communication Policy of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions
Por Secom TCU

On June 27 and 28, the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) joined a technical meeting to consolidate the task force's contributions on the Communication Policy of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS). The working group, comprising Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from Brazil (represented by the TCU's Department of Communications, Secom), along with those from Paraguay, Costa Rica, and Mexico gathered in Asunción.

The OLACEFS technical meeting delved into the eight existing communication policy chapters, sparking discussions and improvement proposals. These included modernizing publications, optimizing communication channels for better dialogue, and forging external partnerships. Additionally, responsible and transparent use of AI in communication emerged as a key focus.

The consolidated material will be presented for approval at the 33rd OLACEFS General Assembly in October in Panama. This task force was established in November of last year, following a resolution from the 32nd General Assembly held in Peru.


The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) is an international entity that unites the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Latin American and Caribbean nations. Comprising 21 countries and Spain as an associate member, OLACEFS fosters the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices to enhance the auditing and oversight capabilities of public resources in the region.

In addition, OLACEFS collaborates with international organizations such as the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) to promote good governance and effective accountability practices globally.


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