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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU signs memorandum of understanding with SAI Uruguay

On Friday, March 3, minister Augusto Nardes was in Montevideo, Uruguay, where, by designation of the president of the Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU), minister Bruno Dantas, he signed a memorandum of understanding between the TCU and SAI Uruguay. SAI Uruguay was represented by its president, Susana Díaz.​​​​​​​
Por Secom TCU

During the ceremony, held at the headquarters of the Court, minister Augusto Nardes emphasized in his speech that Uruguay is one of Brazil's main partners in Mercosur, and made a point of recalling the various convergent ideas between the two countries, both in terms of economics as well as culture and politics. The minister, who is from Rio Grande do Sul, remembered the similarities between southern Brazil and Uruguay, including culture, language and customs, such as cuisine.

​​​​Nardes also emphasized the main commitments of the signed memorandum, including the exchange of information on federal government audit, development of research projects, advisory on specific technical areas, development of training programs, seminars, workshops, courses, and mutual support between the areas of institutional and international relations of both institutions. 

Ministers of SAI Uruguay were also present at the event: Francisco Gallinal (Vice President), Alvaro Ezcurra, Miguel Acima, Enrique Cabrera, Darwin Machado and Diana Marcos. The minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Francisco Bustillo Bonasso, the Brazilian Ambassador to Uruguay, Marcos Leal Raposo Lopes, and the Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration of the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UDELAR), Jorge Xavier, also participated. 

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