TCU in the elections 2022
In 2021, TCU carried out an audit to ensure the reliability, security, and transparency of the Brazilian voting system. The steps followed by the court are briefly described on this booklet.
In 2021, TCU carried out an audit to ensure the reliability, security, and transparency of the Brazilian voting system. The steps followed by the court are briefly described on this booklet.
Presents the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts, its history andcontribution to the improvement of Public Administration for the benefit of society. The 8th edition brings ubpdated information on the Court's activities as well as the repercussions of its decisions to the Brazilian society.
This is the instrument used by the TCU to consolidate the results of the main performance audits carried out during the year and to communicate to Parliament risks and problems identified in governmental public policies, as well as the Court's recommendations to the identified situations.
Focuses on the implementation measures audits of the aid to individuals in vulnerable situations, as outlined in the Special Plan for Following-up Actions to Combat the Covid-19, according to the Special Program of Action to Address the Covid-19 Crisis - Coopera - of the TCU.
The TCU sees international cooperation as one of its bulwarks: a powerful platform to leverage the improvement of the work it does, to the professional advancement of its auditors and to assist institutional development of sister institutions in other countries.
We want to intensify national and international collaboration to share best practices in public auditing.