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Implementing an anti-fraud/anti-corruption strategy in the Brazilian Court of Accounts


Trabalhos acadêmicos

Modena, Carlos Cesar
Áreas temáticas:
Administração do Estado Serviços Essenciais ao Estado
Corrupção Fraude Combate à corrupção
Unidades técnicas:
Seccor Serint SEGECEX

Intends to show how important it is for TCU to have a policy for fighting fraud and corruption. It also outlines a strategy for addressing these issues. The central point of this strategy is the creation of a specialized fraud and corruption unit. It also involves adapting fraud methodology, developing and delivering training, and improving inter-institutional relations with other public agencies engaged in fighting fraud and corruption. Although those elements could be implemented without the creation of a fraud unit, it is essential to have a team entirely and exclusively dedicated to fraud and corruption.