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Tribunal de Contas da União

Executive Summary with Environmental Focus on Border Governance Coordinated Audit is published

The Federal Court of Accounts – Brazil (TCU), chairing the Capacity Building Committee (CCC), an OLACEFS body, under the leadership of Minister Augusto Nardes, publishes the executive summary, a product of the Border Governance Coordinated Audit carried out among 13 Latin American countries with technical support of the German Cooperation Agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Por Secom TCU

Participants in the audit included Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

The goal of the coordinated audit was to contribute to the strengthening of a good regional governance, through the evaluation of public policies applied to the borders of OLACEFS member countries, focusing on two thematic aspects: development and security. The publication presents the findings and conclusions on the environmental matter, within the first aspect.

The analysis was carried out by using the National Border Policy Governance Index (iGPNFron) in order to contribute to a greater impact of regional work on the improvement of border public policies, with a focus on the environmental governance of each country and, consequently, to sustainable development for the region.

The Practical Audit Guide used in this work and other materials are available at Additional information can be obtained from the Chair of the CCC at or at the websites of the SAIs members.

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