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Tribunal de Contas da União

TCU Participates in Technical Meeting with the United Nations Population Fund

Por Secom TCU


On June 11, Mauricio Wanderley, Director of External Audit, and Tiago Dutra, Deputy Director, both from the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) at the United Nations Board of Auditors (UNBoA), attended a technical meeting with Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The UNFPA is among the UN agencies to be audited by the TCU team.


UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency committed to ensuring every pregnancy is desired, every birth is safe, and every young person reaches their full potential. Operating in more than 150 countries and territories with 80 per cent of the world’s population, the Fund operates with a budget of over US$ 1.5 billion and has more than three thousand employees.


During the meeting, Natalia Kanem shared the challenges faced in fulfilling UNFPA’s institutional mission and emphasized the importance of transparency to ensure robust governance, financing, and management mechanisms. According to Kanem, trust in financial statements and the integrity of the institution are crucial for maintaining significant donor contributions. She highlighted the fundamental role of the UN Board of Auditors.


Director Mauricio Wanderley emphasized the Court's commitment to building trust among UN member states by leveraging the institutional credibility of the Court of Accounts, the expertise of its auditors, and proactive engagement with governance and management bodies.


The UNFPA audit team, coordinated by the Department of External Audit - UN (SecexONU), will conduct audit tests at the agency's headquarters in New York, United States, a European logistics centre, and regional African offices. This strategic initiative seeks to provide auditors with necessary access to assess risks and controls, obtain responses to audit requests, and foster a conducive environment for effective implementation of the UN Board of Auditors' recommendations. 

Valentina Monasterio, Director of External Audit for Chile at the UN Board of Auditors, and Raj Gakhar, UNFPA's Internal Audit Advisor, also attended the meeting.

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