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Tribunal de Contas da União

The Public Prosecution Office within the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (MPTCU) publishes survey

Por Secom TCU

The PPOs Survey aims to enhance understanding of the roles, functions, and institutional features of PPOs (Public Prosecution Offices operating within Supreme Audit Institutions). This initiative emerged during the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) held in Rio de Janeiro in 2022 and represents significant collaboration among PPOs engaged in the dialogue.


The 2019 INTOSAI-P 50 document outlines the principles of jurisdictional activities of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), endowed with the corresponding mandate to adjudicate on the accountability of individuals as per legal statutes in instances of irregularities or mismanagement. The PPOs Survey emphasizes the pivotal role of public prosecutors within this framework, highlighting their mission to safeguard "the public interest and the due application of the law."

Download the document here.

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