Climate Scanner : rapid review tool for climate action
Libro, capítulo de libro, artículo de periódico
- Autor:
- Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)
- Data:
- 1/06/22
- Áreas temáticas:
- Administração do Estado Serviços Essenciais ao Estado
- Palavras-chave:
- Finanças públicas Governança pública
- Unidades técnicas:
- SecexAgroAmbiental
Leaflet presented at the 21st INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) Assembly. The purpose was to introduce the Global ClimateScanner Initiative to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).
The event aimed to carry out discussions on the WGEA’s 2023-2025 Working Plan, which included the ClimaneScanner Initiative led by the TCU, under the “climate and biodiversity” theme.
The ClimateScanner project aims to encourage SAIs to produce an overview on global climate governance and governmental actions as a response to the climate crisis. The project comprises the TCU’s strategy of placing INTOSAI as an international and relevant actor, with a global voice.