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Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil (TCU)

Procuradora Cristina_menor_VV.jpg

"The Federal Prosecution Service within TCU was created on October 17, 1892, through Decree No. 1,166, which established the Federal Court of Accounts - Brazil. Currently, the special Parquet qualifies as a body of constitutional stature, hence its legal existence stems from the express provision in the Political Charter (Article 73, § 2, I, and 130). It is incumbent upon it to defend the legal order, guard and supervise the Law in all matters related to external control, appeal interposition, the authorization of the judicial collection of the debt and the necessary measures for the seizure of the assets of those found responsible in debt.

I feel sincerely honored to carry out the functions of this secular body - always in strict compliance with the legal order, based on the search for material truth and the procedural guarantees of the parties. It allows me to contribute actively to the improvement of the management of federal resources and, as a consequence, to the realization of the public interest."


Attorney General Cristina Machado

Address: SAFS Qd 4 Lote 1 - Ed. Sede Sala 111  

City: Brasília 

State: DF 

Postal Code: 70042-900  

Phone: +55 61 3527-7618 / 7041 / 7874

Chief of Staff: Carlos Henrique Caldeira Jardim - +55 61 3527 5119