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Tribunal de Contas da União

ChatTCU sparks interest from Chile's Office of the Comptroller General

Por Secom TCU

Internally developed by the Department of Information Technology and Digital Evolution (SETID), ChatTCU, a Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool, has been gaining recognition beyond Brazilian borders, sparking interest from Chile's Office of the Comptroller General (CGR). 

In February, CGR's Data and Artificial Intelligence team held a videoconference with representatives of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). The meeting aimed at enhancing discussions related to the application, training, and adoption of new technologies that can contribute to the development of Chile's Office of the Comptroller General control and audit mission.  

Interest was sparked among members of the CGR team when they learned about ChatTCU through an article published on the Court's Portal. The article highlighted the tool's integration into the Court of Accounts' systems and its improvement of generative artificial intelligence usage in external control actions.    

The coordinator of the Court's Artificial Intelligence Center (NIA), Eric Hans, carried out the presentation emphasizing ChatTCU's evolution from its conception, in July 2023, until its latest updates, including integration with other internal TCU systems. With roughly 1,500 active users and more than 120,000 exchanged massages, the tool has proved to be a valuable ally in data access and analysis.   

The innovations presented include the ability to summarize case documents directly from TCU’s online platform (e-TCU) and the facilitated access to selected jurisprudence, showing a significant progress in citing sources and, thus, enhancing the tool’s efficiency. Furthermore, future improvements are anticipated, such as the sharing of chats among employees and teams, and the possibility to upload documents for questions and answers. 

Hans emphasized the increasing usage of the tool for extracting important information from meetings. By integrating it with Microsoft Teams, it is possible to copy a meeting's transcript in ChatTCU and to ask questions about it, such as the main insights, dates, mentioned deadlines, and more. 

The Chilean team expressed great interest in implementing a similar device in their Office of the Comptroller General. Admiring the scope and functionality of the TCU's tool, they stressed the importance of learning from this experience to strengthen their own control activity. 

The NIA's coordinator concluded the presentation by affirming that the TCU is ready to collaborate with the Chileans. He also reinforced the Court's commitment to the use of artificial intelligence, not only through ChatTCU but also through several other solutions aimed at enhancing the efficiency of external control, responding to society's demands in an increasingly effective and proactive manner. 

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